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Portable Home Incubator, ECG, Patient Monitor 6P, Thermal Energy, and Complex Systems

Prof. Dr. Ir. Raldi Artono Koestoer, DEA.


Educational Background
1978 – Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
1981 – Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et Auronotique (ENSMA), Poiters, France
1985 – Mechanical Engineering, Universite De Paris XII, France

Having successfully repaired a baby incubator to properly function again, Professor Raldi has initiated a free-of-charge incubator lending program since 2012, and the program continues to flourish to date. That he is determined to save babies in need in Indonesia has inspired many people in Indonesia to take action and support his Free-of-Charge Home Incubator program for infants.

Unconditional Assistance

A Grashof incubator is an incubator with simple installation techniques for a premature baby; moreover, its manufacturing cost is affordable. It is lent free of charge to a mother from an underprivileged family in need of intensive care for her premature baby. Those incubators, having helped thousands of babies, are distributed to many volunteer agencies in many Indonesian cities and regencies on the principle of cooperation aimed at helping any premature babies in need.

Convenient, Inexpensive, Life-Saving

99% of the components of this incubator resulting from innovative research are local components. This incubator is manufactured in partnership with MSMEs from the design and materials to quality control. Its production costs are economical; in 2019, one incubator unit cost IDR 4,000,000. It weighs 13 kg, is very compact, and is easily mobilized. The unit is very accessible, too. If a person needs it, he or she should only text the message to 085659312070. The UI Incubator Team will immediately explain and instruct the prospective borrower regarding the next step of the procedure. This incubator only requires electric power amounting to 50 watts, which is very economical and in line with the needy household’s electricity power usually amounting to 450 watts. This program pays full attention to the baby’s health since in the incubator a baby scale and a digital thermometer are included to monitor the progress of the baby’s health.


It started with research. Then, it was developed into sociotechnopreneurship. Finally, information on this program was rapidly disseminated through word of mouth. Nowadays, social media plays an important role in promoting this free-or-charge incubator lending program, so the public knows it well. This free-of-charge baby incubator lending program dedicated to the people of Indonesia is further strengthened by volunteer agents located in many regions of Indonesia. Aimed at supporting infants in need, the technology of this incubator is not patented; thus, making it easier for others interested to emulate and develop this technology-based humanitarian movement


“I will be so happy when many people want to emulate this program where the more incubators manufactured, the more the babies will be saved.”

– Prof. Dr. Ir. Raldi Artono Koestoer, DEA.