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IndonesiaEnglish +62 21 7270032

Regular Bachelor Program of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

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  1. Ability to acquire and apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, numerical method, statistical analysis, basic science (physics and chemistry), and information technology required to achieve competence in the discipline of NAME. (Keywords: Engineering Knowledge)
  2. Ability to design by applying methods, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practices such as the selection of materials and processes, and ship design with computer. (Keywords: Design Solutions)
  3. Ability to analyze and solve the problems in NAME by applying calculations and rules in the process of ship design and its system. (Keywords: Problem Analysis)
  4. Ability to evaluate scientific issues by conducting research and making the report, including analyzes the statistical data for making conclusion in the field of NAME. (Keywords: Investigation)
  5. Ability to identify the impact of engineering solutions in the field of NAME to sustainable development. (Keywords: Sustainability)
  6. Ability to think critically, creatively, and innovative, and have the intellectual curiosity to solve the problem at the level of individual and group. (Keywords: Team Working)
  7. Ability to communicate effectively in visual, written or verbal. (Keywords: Communication)
  8. Ability to apply professional ethics relating to the legal, economic, environmental, social, political, health and safety with full responsibility and integrity. (Keywords: Professional Ethics)
  9. Ability to undertake lifelong learning and manage information including access to knowledge on contemporary relevant issues. (Keywords: Life Long Learning)
  10. Ability to apply principles of finance, management and entrepreneurship in the field of NAME. (Keywords: Management, Finance & Entrepreneurship)

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Semester 1Pengantar Teknik Perkapalan
Semester 2Visualisasi dan Permodelan Kapal
Semester 3Material Kapal
Struktur Kapal 1
Teori Bangunan Kapal
Semester 4Hambatan dan Propulsi
Hidrodinamika Kapal
Permesinan Kapal
Struktur Kapal 2
Semester 5Ekonomi Teknik
Perancangan Kamar Mesin Kapal
Proses Manufaktur
Sistem Fluida dan Perpipaan Kapal
Sistem Kelistrikan Kapal
Teknik Las
Tugas Merancang Kapal 2
Semester 6Alat Bantu Kapal
Pemeliharaan Kapal
Sistem Elektronika Kapal
Tugas Merancang Kapal 3
Semester 7Sistem Tata Udara dan Refrijerasi Kapal
Survei dan Inspeksi Kapal