1955 – Mechanical Engineering, Universities Indonesia
1991 – Mechanical Engineering, Hokkaido-University, Japan
1994 – Mechanical Engineering, Hokkaido-University, Japan
Indonesia’s biological resources are abundant, and they can highly potentially be processed into biofuel. We can do many things with such resources.
Limited availability of non-renewable fuel urges people to utilize any sources of alternative energy. Currently, petroleum is dominating the primary source of fuel for combustion purposes. Renewable energy is a solution to overcome this problem.
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel for a diesel engine that can replace or reduce the use of diesel fuel. Biodiesel is originated from vegetable resources formed through a transesterification reaction. Biofuel made of vegetable oil is obtained from plants that grow in Indonesia, such as palm oil, coconut, hazelnut, jatropha, nyamplung, kapok, peanuts, and so on. This study recommends that biodiesel be processed only from non-edible plants such as castor oil to take advantage of Indonesia’s abundant vegetable wealth. This biodiesel fuel is degradable, emits lower emissions, and reduces global warming and air pollution, thus making it environmentally friendly.
In addition to biofuel, another source of renewable energy is bioethanol. In previous studies, people made a compact distillatory design by utilizing exhaust gas from motor fuel as the primary means of ethanol processing. Bioethanol is widely used as additional biofuel in developed countries. Bioethanol has a high octane number, increasing the gasoline’s octane number when mixed with the suitable composition. Moreover, it will make the gasoline consumption much more efficient.
Biodiesel and Bioethanol will be mixed with fossil fuel at a certain percentage when used. In this case, biodiesel is mixed with diesel fuel, while bioethanol is mixed with gasoline. Waste resulting from biodiesel is glycerin, the primary ingredient for soap, so biodiesel is safe for the environment. When combusted, both Biodiesel and Bioethanol emit low carbon monoxide, making them environmentally friendly. Both are very efficient and can increase energy. The combustion of cooler Bioethanol can extend engine life. To meet industrial standard quality, bioethanol requires agricultural products such as sugar cane, corn, and cassava which are found abundantly in Indonesia therefore, it can benefit farmers.