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“The growth of the medical device market in Indonesia is high; however, Indonesia still imports most of the devices. The  Innovation and collaboration of technology (Engineering Faculty) and medicine (FKUI-RSCM) will provide solutions to quality health products at affordable prices to the public.”

Sugeng Supriadi, ST., M.S.Eng., Ph.

Sugeng Supriadi, ST., M.S.Eng., Ph.


One of his focused research is miniplates and Screw implants. This innovation was developed based on the collaboration between the FKUI-RSCM research team and the Faculty of Engineering to produce a titanium material-based implant product to provide for the national implant needs. Technological innovations have made it possible to make miniplates and screw implants to reconstruct broken bones or facial fractures due to accidents, functional disorders or cosmetic deformities. However, most of the miniplates and screws used today are imported goods and are very expensive. This collaboration of interdisciplinary innovations hopes to produce cost-effective local plates and screws with quality not inferior to that of those imported goods. With the support of the research team from FKUI-RSCM, the implementation of the results of these innovations can hopefully be accelerated.

One of his focused research is mini plates and Screw implants. Sugeng developed this innovation based on the collaboration between the FKUI-RSCM research team and the Faculty of Engineering to produce a titanium material-based implant product to provide for national implant needs. Technological innovations have made it possible to make mini plates and screw implants to reconstruct broken bones or facial fractures due to accidents, functional disorders, or cosmetic deformities. However, most mini plates and screws used today are imported and costly. This collaboration of interdisciplinary innovations hopes to produce cost-effective local plates and screws with quality not inferior to those imported goods. 


  • 2004 - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
  • 2007 - Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University, South Korea
  • 2012 - Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

Contact Info

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
UI Depok Campus 16424, Indonesia


Operational Time : 09.00-16.00 WIB ( Monday-Friday)

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