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“Electric vehicles are the future solution to realizing environmental sustainability and national resilience in the energy sector.”

Prof. Dr. R. Danardono A.Sumarsono, DEA, PE. 

Prof. Dr. R. Danardono A.Sumarsono, DEA, PE.


Prof.Dr.Ir. R. Danaradomo Agus Sumarsono DEA. PE is a lecturer at the Mechanical Engineering Department who was born in Jakarta on March 7, 1959. His teaching career began in 1985, and he is still actively teaching subjects, including Engineering Drawing, Mechanical Design, Vehicle Engineering, and Mechanical Visualization and Modeling. One of the research and development is BALABI (Bajaj Langit Biru) which the prototype is placed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Some of his scientific publications are Structural Analysis of the F.E.M. Model in the Design & Development of Domestic Production of Clamp Alloy Pipe Repair, Design and product development of silk thread twisters, the use of Thermoelectric Modules in the Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Process to Accelerate the Separation of Nucleic Acid Fragments (D.N.A.), Stress analysis on hybrid vehicle chassis structure using the finite element method and Design and development of solar vehicle drive systems.

Prof. Danardono, the Satya Lencana award recipient from the Ministry of National Education in 2006 was married to Dr. R. Fera SpMK Ibrahim, MSc., PhD. and has three children, namely R. Abraham Ranardo Sumarsono, R. Ayu Anatriera Sumarsono, and R. Adam Fenardo Sumarsono.


  • 1983 - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
  • 1989 - Mecanique des Solid, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
  • 1993 - Mechanical Engineering, Universite d’Orleans, France

Contact Info

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
UI Depok Campus 16424, Indonesia


Operational Time : 09.00-16.00 WIB ( Monday-Friday)

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