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“Pico-hydro technology provides a good prospect for the Indonesian people, especially in their efforts to enhance their regional economy.” 

Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiarso, M.Eng.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiarso, M.Eng.


Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiarso M. Eng. is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, which was born in Yogyakarta on March 23, 1950. His Teaching career began in 1979 in Fluid System and Basic Fluid Mechanics subjects. He was confirmed as a professor on December 1, 2008. On that occasion, he delivered a speech entitled Research Directions of Incompressible fluid flow Turbo Machinery in the Future.

As an active contributor on scientific publications,  has produced Hambatan Gesek Aliran Fluida pada Piringan Berputar Terselubung Beralur Halus, Castor oil as an alternative base oil for heavy duty lubrication, Limiting Maximum Drag Reduction Asymptote For The Moment Coefficient of an Enclosed Rotating Disk With Fine Spiral Grooves, Pengaruh besar diameter dan bentuk geometri ujung pipa hisap bulat terhadap unjuk kerja jet pada semprotan nyamuk dan M6-009 Pompa Mikro Piringan GesekBersalur Halus. Together with Prof. Dr. Ir. Harinaldi M. Eng, He translated the book ‘Fluid Mechanics’ written by Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, and Theodore H. Okiishi, who is now a major reference Courses Fluid Mechanics in the Department of the Mechanical Engineering UI. A memorable award he had proudly achieved was the Award Recipients Author Articles On the International Journal Edition Year 2007 at the 58th UI Dies Natalis. 

One of his focuses research is Pico-Hydroelectric Power Plants. He expects the presence of this Pico-Hydroelectric Power Plant will continue to encourage regional economic growth supported by electrical energy that can facilitate daily economic activities.

From his marriage with Rumentahingsih, he was blessed with two sons, Arief Linggar Rachmantiarso and Baskoro Laksitoadi.


  • 1977 - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
  • 1996 - Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore
  • 2005 - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (Sandwich Program, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)

Contact Info

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
UI Depok Campus 16424, Indonesia


Operational Time : 09.00-16.00 WIB ( Monday-Friday)

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