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“Alhamdulillah, this CFDSOF application, having been developed by the AIR Group since 1997, has benefitted from and applied in the educational, research, and industrial fields.”

Dr. Ir. Ahmad Indra Siswantara

Dr. Ir. Ahmad Indra Siswantara


Dr. Ir. Ahmad Indra Siswantara was born in Mataram on June 11, 1967. His teaching career began in 1992. Now, he is still actively teaching CFD Applications, Finite Elements, and Multiphysics subjects. He is the Founder of Continuing Education Program–Center for Computing and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (CCIT FTUI), a tri-dharma supporting institution for Higher Education to provide Community Service and Services in the field of Information Technology.

His scientific publications are   Analisis Aliran Sekunder pada Saluran Segi Empat dengan Teknik Computational Fluid Dynamics, Analisis hambatan benda tumpul model bentuk D dengan teknik computational fluids dynamics, dan Koefisien Gesek Aliran pada Saluran Persegi Panjang Berbahan Plastik Noryl.and CFD Application Overview on Thermal Dispersion Study. CFD innovations are very useful in supporting many kinds of work. For instance, CFD is used in the field of coal-fired power plants requiring the disposal of pollutant waste in order not to be widespread and negatively impact the surrounding community. To avoid this situation from happening, we can simulate the estimated height of the using CFD. Our broadly-applied CFD is specified pursuant to the field of the required science. For instance, in the field of architecture, both accuracy and level of ease of use are required. In the aerospace and automotive fields, CFD is used to analyze external aerodynamics and engine performance. CFD also plays its role in the manufacturing of a model turbine, fan, and propeller in the equipment manufacturing industry. In fact, in the chemical processing industry, CFD plays an important role in the process of combustion modeling, filtering and drying.

From his marriage to Medina Kurniati, he was blessed with three children, Syaninta Alvi Andira, Mohamad Arif Andira, and Syamila Dinda Andira. 


  • 1991 - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
  • 1997 - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Teknologi Malaysia

Contact Info

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
UI Depok Campus 16424, Indonesia


Operational Time : 09.00-16.00 WIB ( Monday-Friday)

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