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Sugeng Supriadi , S.T., M.S.Eng., Ph.D

Sugeng Supriadi , S.T., M.S.Eng., Ph.D

2004 – Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia

2007 – Mechanical Engineering Yeungnam University, South Korea

2012 – Mechanical Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

The growth of the medical device market in Indonesia is high. However, most of them are imported products. Innovation and collaboration in technology (FTUI) and health (FKUI-RSCM) will provide solutions in providing quality health products at affordable prices for the general public.

Sugeng Supriadi , S.T., M.S.Eng., Ph.D


With the principles of technological engineering applied in biology and medicine, designs and manufacturing innovations in the biomedical field are expected to significantly contribute to improving the quality of health throughout the development of medical tools or devices at affordable prices for the public.

Orthodontic Bracket

Malocclusion (imperfect positioning of the teeth when the jaws are closed) cases have impacted 80% of Indonesian people. Epidemiological studies reveal that malocclusion and the social need for orthodontic treatment rank the third-highest prevalence after cavities and periodontal abnormalities. Concerned with aesthetic matters, dentists treat malocclusion cases with orthodontic treatment through braces and brackets.

Since all of Indonesia’s highly-demanded orthodontic medical devices are imported goods, Indonesia has to manufacture its local orthodontic medical devices. This study

developed brackets for Indonesian’s dental structures at a more affordable price using local materials. The optimal design is expected to meet Indonesian needs for brackets. Available orthodontic brackets will help a dentist treat any malocclusion cases. The bracket is made of stainless steel. Moreover, after a series of stress tests, the bracket proved to be safe. Metal Injection Molding is a key technology in the Orthodontic Bracket manufacturing process. With the support of a team of researchers from the Faculty of Dentistry and the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering of Universitas Indonesia (Prof. Dr. Bambang Irawan, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Miesje Karmiati Purwanegara, SU, Sp.Orto, and Prof. Bambang Suharno, and Dr. Tjokro Prasetyadi), the orthodontic bracket will be produced to suit the patients’ needs based on their doctors’ recommendations.

Mini plates and Screw Implants

This innovation was developed based on the collaboration between the FKUI-RSCM research team and the Faculty of Engineering to produce a titanium material-based implant product to provide for the national implant needs. Technological innovations have made it possible to make mini plates and screw implants to reconstruct broken bones or facial fractures due to accidents, functional disorders, or cosmetic deformities. However, most of the mini plates and screws used today are imported goods and are very expensive. This collaboration of interdisciplinary innovations hopes to produce cost-effective local plates and screws with quality similar to those imported goods. With the support from FKUI-RSCM research team, the implementation of these innovations can hopefully be accelerated.

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