en mech@eng.ui.ac.id +62 21 7270032
en mech@eng.ui.ac.id +62 21 7270032

Regular Bachelor Program

Competent engineering graduates who have abilities to design and analyse the element and system in the field of mechanical engineering and have the excellent attitude and character that can adapt the professional challenge in their work field

List of Graduates Competency

  1. Ability to analyse the problems in mechanical engineering field by applying the basic knowledge of mathematics, numerical method, statistical analysis and basic science (physics, chemistry and life science), as well as information technology
  2. Ability to design component, system and/or thermofluid process and mechanical system to fulfil the realistic needs, for example law, economics, environment, social, politics, health and safety, sustainability and to understand and/or to use potential local and national resources in global perspective
  3. Ability to analyse the scientific problems by conducting research and to publish the results, including the data analysis of the results using the statistical principles
  4. Ability to identify, to formulate, to analyse and to solve the engineering problems by applying the principles and calculation in mechanical elements and system design process
  5. Ability to use the method, skill and modern engineering tools that used for engineering practice such as material selection and manufacturing process, automation system and computer aided mechanical design
  6. Ability to communicate effectively by visual, writing and also verbal
  7. Ability to design, to plan, to conduct and to evaluate the task for the given boundary condition
  8. Ability to work effectively in individual and multidiscipline or multicultural team
  9. Ability to be responsible to the society and to obey the professional ethics in solving engineering problems
  10. Ability to conduct lifelong learning including to access the knowledge on the relevant current issues

As a Universitas Indonesia student, every graduate of Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program should have the following competences as follow:

  1.  Able to use information and communication technology;
  2. Able to think critically, creatively, and innovatively and have intellectual curiosity to solve the individual and group problems;
  3. Able to use verbal and writing communication in good Bahasa Indonesia and English for academic or non-academic activity;
  4. Has an integrity and able to respect others;
  5. Able to identify entrepreneurship efforts which show innovation and autonomy based on ethics

Contact Info

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
UI Depok Campus 16424, Indonesia



Operational Time : 09.00-16.00 WIB ( Monday-Friday)

Student's Link