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Ahmad Syihan Auzani, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.

Ahmad Syihan Auzani, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.


Sustainable Alternative Fuels.

Combustion and Environmental Problems
The global energy crisis and the growing awareness of the negative impacts of carbon emissions from fossil fuels have driven the need for intensive research into more sustainable alternative fuels. Fossil fuels, which remain the world’s primary energy source, significantly contribute to air pollution and climate change due to the high CO2 and other emissions generated during combustion.

Alternative and Renewable Fuels
Addressing the challenges of carbon emissions and energy efficiency in fuel combustion can be achieved through the utilization of low-carbon alternative fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, biomass, biodiesel, and other biofuels. Hydrogen, for instance, produces zero carbon when burned, while ammonia offers great potential as a carbon-free fuel that can be more easily stored and transported. Biomass, derived from organic materials, can absorb carbon during its growth, helping to balance the carbon cycle.


  • 2014 - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
  • 2015 - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
  • 2020 - Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield

Info Kontak

Departemen Teknik Mesin
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok 16424, Indonesia



Jam Operasional : 09.00-16.00 WIB (Senin-Jumat)

Student's Link

Riwayat Penelitian

Combustion and Environmental Problems The global energy crisis and the growing awareness of the negative impacts of carbon emissions from fossil fuels have driven the need for intensive research into more sustainable alternative fuels. Fossil fuels, which remain the world's primary energy source, significantly contribute to air pollution and climate change due to the high CO2 and other emissions generated during combustion.

Alternative and Renewable Fuels Addressing the challenges of carbon emissions and energy efficiency in fuel combustion can be achieved through the utilization of low-carbon alternative fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, biomass, biodiesel, and other biofuels. Hydrogen, for instance, produces zero carbon when burned, while ammonia offers great potential as a carbon-free fuel that can be more easily stored and transported. Biomass, derived from organic materials, can absorb carbon during its growth, helping to balance the carbon cycle.

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