History of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia began with the offer young engineers, who are members of the Indonesian Engineers Association, to the first president of Indonesia Bung Karno, for fixing the protocol roads in Jakarta, which was heavily damaged. At that time Jakarta is preparing for the International Sports event GANEFO. This offer was well received by the president. this rare opportunity is given with a condition that the work should be completed within two weeks. Led by Ir. Slamet Bratanata, Ir. Roosseno, Ir. Sutami, Ir. Soehoed, the task of this country can be completed on time.
After the job to fix the main street is completed, the young engineers who have the spirit of steel feel that there is “something” more to be done. But what? Then came a bright idea, “why do not we build a faculty of engineering at Jakarta, so people don’t have to go far to Bandung to study engineering.”
At the time Lenso dance party was held in Gedung Pembangunan (formerly called Gedung Pola) to honor the Ganefo’s guests of honor, the good opportunity was not taken for granted to tell the ideas to Bung Karno. He said “come tomorrow to the Palace” and sure enough at the next day they met the president at the Palace, Bung Karno without hesitation express his consent and even directly at that time also appointed Prof. Ir. Roosseno as the first Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Bung Karno also instructed the Faculty of Engineering, is under the auspices of the University of Indonesia, where the Rector at that time was Dr. Syarief Thayeb.
Engineering Faculty of University of Indonesia officially established
When Dr. Syarief Thayeb became the Minister of Higher Education and Science issued Decree No. 76 dated July 17, 1964 regarding the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering. Faculty of Engineering officially established in Jakarta without any ceremony, under the University of Indonesia’s flags flutter, the Faculty of Engineering is established, the youngest faculty.
This is where the history of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia begin. Department of Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering were opened at the first stage. Each headed by Ir. Sutami for Department of Civil Engineering, Ir. Ahmad Sayuti for the Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering and Ir. K. Hadinoto for the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. Following year the Department of Metallurgy and Department of Architecture, with its chairman respectively Dr. Ing. Purnomosidhi H and Ir. Sunaryo S. Ir. Roosseno as the first Dean assisted by Ir. Sutami as Dean for Academic Affairs, Ir. Slamet Bratanata as Vice Dean for Administration and Finance and Dr. Ing. Purnonosidhi H as Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni.
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia initial academic activities in 1964 was supported by 30 staff lecturers and 11 non-academic staff carry out 32 subject.
First year students who enroll quite surprising that 203 male and female students, 199 of them passed the test and were accepted as the first students of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Within a period of five and a half years, 18 of them successfully graduates as Bachelor.
Further in 1985, the study program of Gas Engineering from the Department of Metallurgical was merged with Chemical Engineering courses from the Department of Mechanical Engineering into Gas & Petrochemicals with the department head Dr. Ir. H. Rachmantio. Department of Industrial Engineering is the youngest, opened in 1999 by the department head Ir. M. Dachyar, MSc.
Departments and Study Programs in The Current Engineeting Faculty of University of Indonesia
Engineeting Faculty of University of Indonesia consists of seven departments as a resource manager who oversees eight academic study program as an integrated study plan based on a technical curriculum:
Department / Civil Engineering Program
Department of Mechanical Engineering / Study of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Study Program
Department / Electrical Engineering Program
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering / Materials Engineering Program
Department / Department of Architecture
Department / Chemical Engineering Program
Department / Department of Industrial Engineering
and one postgraduate courses under the Engineeting Faculty of University of Indonesia, study program Optoelectronics and Laser Application. Department of Mechanical Engineering is the only department that has more than one study program
GOOD LUCK ALWAYS Engineeting Faculty of University of Indonesia