1985 – Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
1993 – Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, Japan
2014 – Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
Not only should the foundation of a product’s innovative idea solely be from a researcher’s wish, but it should also be from observing the community daily needs making the product really meaningful to the community
Dr. Hendri’s unique ideas and innovative products came from his experience and daily life observation. The results were very applicable; moreover, the community’s diverse needs can benefit from these products. These innovations have various advantages in the manufacturing and assembly sectors, and all materials must go through a careful evaluation stage.
Social observation in the community may be beneficial in producing a variety of uniquely useful ideas, one of which is a three-fold folding bicycle called the SeliQ-Ul with one hundred percent local components produced by local communities. His interest in bicycles encourages him to develop bicycles by using a transmission that can automatically be changed with a sensor mounted on the pedals. He expected that a bicycle with that kind of transmission could easily be adjusted by the rider’s lung volume so that the rider does not quickly get exhausted. His innovative bicycle, resulting from his research and development, became a design supported by lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, since it aligns with their “Go Green” motto.
The device came from an idea of health and a statement saying that the best defecation position was a squatting position. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a restroom with a squat toilet. Length of waist and toe data are taken from a camera before a person enters a toilet, and then processed in a computer. Then, the computer will deploy a stool outside the floor to elevate the user’s foot enabling the user to squat when defecating.
Backpacks are commonly used by people of all ages and on various occasions. That innovative massage backpack serves an idea that, when widely used, it will provide additional functions and become more enjoyable. The backpack is made with an additional feature: a body massage at the right health point.
A fast level of production must support the excellence of a quality product to be able to compete on par with foreign products. To fulfill this demand, we created an application that could accurately predict the costs of a product that would greatly help speed up the design process. The designer uses the application when discussing a design with his prospective client. After they finish their discussion, they can estimate the costs of the product made available by the application.
Helmet Visor
Encouraging environmentally-friendly technology, that innovative helmet is equipped with wipers fitted with tools to avoid condensation occurring in the rain and maintain vision, so it is safer for a rider to ride their motorcycle in the rain. The helmet was designed based on a study revealing that many motorcyclists wipe and lift their helmets if they were wet.
Sunlight is a renewable energy source that can be used as alternative energy that humans can benefit from. The abundant solar energy that has not been optimized yet encouraged researchers to study the possibility of using it as an alternative energy source to drive a motor to rotate the composter processing unit (composter). A compost drum is a device used to process organic waste through biological fermentation/decomposition processes of organic materials into compost conducted by turning a tube driven by an electric motor. Compost will be produced well and quickly if the temperature can be maintained between 50-70 C for five days.