id +62 21 7270032
id +62 21 7270032

Kolokium X Mahasiswa S3 Semester Genap 2013/2014

Acara kolokium X mahasiswa S3 untuk Semester Genap 2013/2014 telah dilaksanakan Pada hari Jumat, 23 Mei 2014. Acara ini merupakan ajang sharing dan diskusi rutin untuk progress penelitian bagi mahasiswa S3 Departemen Teknik Mesin (DTM) FTUI.
On this occasion, featuring two speakers, namely; M. Hadi Kusuma, ST. MT., With the theme “Use of Large Heat Pipe Process Heat Dissipation Decay Time Results in Advanced Light Water Reactor” (As Promoter Prof. Dr-Ing. Ir. Nandy Putra). and the second speaker was Mr. Ramon Trisno, ST. MT., With exposure to the “Analysis of the Active Control of Synthetic Jet Flow Downstream on Ahmed Body Dimension Reduction in Vehicle Applications” (with promoter Prof.Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, MEng.). (ASB)


Picture 1. The first speaker M. Hadi Kusuma,ST. MT.


Picture 2. The second speaker Ramon Trisno,ST. MT.

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